Healthcare CX platform for exceptional member outcomes
HealthFeed’s AI-powered CX platform is designed to enhance member engagement, optimize care management, and drive exceptional health outcomes.
Transform your CX

HealthFeed Solutions

Healthcare CX

Our transformative CX platform is designed for the healthcare industry, optimizing member engagement experiences to improve health outcomes while remaining cost-effective.
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Solution 1


Deliver personalized member experiences at scale throughout their healthcare journeys.
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Solution 2


Utilize Health Risk Assessments to personalize care management and enhance health outcomes.
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Utilize Health Risk Assessments to personalize care management and enhance health outcomes.

Solution 3

Solution 3


Incentivize healthy behaviors and actions to promote overall wellness among members.
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Solution 4

Content Hub

Educate and empower members with engaging content to improve compliance and health outcomes.
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Solution 5

See why HealthFeed is your ideal solution

The Impact

From insights to impactful results

Increase in levels of member engagement.
Member engagement sessions delivered.
Member engagement journeys created.
Trusted by the world's best
Coming Soon
11 Jan

Understanding HEDIS: Key Measures, Goals, and How to Improve HEDIS Score?

This blog delves into HEDIS, its key measures, uses, and goals, while highlighting strategies to improve HEDIS scores and its critical role in driving better patient outcomes and a healthier society.

Coming Soon
11 Jan

How does the CMS Health Equity Index Measure Healthcare Access and Quality?

This blog covers the CMS Health Equity Index (HEI), its purpose, key metrics, and its role in promoting healthcare equity for vulnerable populations. Launched in 2023, it drives improvements in Part C and Part D health plans in U.S. healthcare

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